Upper Valley Info

The Upper Valley (the best kept secret) consists of many vibrant towns along the Connecticut River in NH and VT. Picturesque Hanover, NH boasts one of the top Ivy League colleges, Dartmouth College. Lebanon, NH offers one of the finest medical centers in New England, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Norris Cotton Cancer Center.

Life in the Upper Valley offers the best of all possible worlds. You can canoe, hike or ski by day and still go to the theatre or ballet in the evening. When you move to the Upper Valley, you’re not leaving the richness of life behind you. Instead, you’re coming to a place where life is so much easier to live that you can add to its richness by taking advantage of the full range of cultural, intellectual and recreational opportunities that are right at your front door! For a full list of resources and links, click here.

If you have any questions about the Upper Valley or would like more information, don't hesitate to contact Martha Diebold Real Estate.

Begin searching through Upper Valley real estate with our recommended searches: Vermont real estate by town or New Hampshire real estate by town.